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  1921年生,逝世于2007年7月17日。原名潼,室名步鲸楼,斋号不教一日闲过之斋、三釜书屋、修竹远山楼。(程,古代度量名。寸之千分之一曰发,十发为一程,十程为一分,十分为一寸。)上海松江人,自幼临习古人画谱,1941年毕业于上海美术专科学校国画系,并在上海大新公司举办过个人画展。1952年入上海人民美术出版社从事连环画和插图创作。1956年入上海画院任画师。1957年赴云南傣族、景颇族自治州体验生活。60年代前后主要画人物,尤多西南少数民族生活题材,与黄胄以西北少数民族生活为主体互相辉映。70年代后多作戏曲、历史题材人物,并大量画戏笔花鸟。90年代前后又潜心山水画的创作。擅人物、山水、花卉、鸟兽及连环画和书籍插图。人物画取法于梁楷、贯休、陈洪绶、任伯年诸家,并吸收民间艺术营养,融会贯通,形成了鲜明的个人风格,被誉为“程家样”;山水画大气磅礴,意境古厚;花鸟走兽皆传神精工。工书法,得力于秦汉木简及怀素狂草、陈洪绶行草,善于将草、篆、隶结为一体,潇洒灵秀,奇趣横生。为全国政协委员、中国文联委员、中国美术家协会理事、中国国家画院院务委员,西泠印社副社长,上海中国画院院长,上海美协副主席、上海交通大学教授、全国文联及上海文联委员,上海吴昌硕研究会会长。作品广泛发表于国内外报刊杂志,出版作品和画集甚多。1957年国画《歌唱祖国的春天》获第一届全国青年美展一等奖;《儒林外史》插图获1995年莱比锡国际书籍装帧展览银质奖;作品《昆曲》入选第八届全国美术作品展览并获奖,作品参加文化部“中华世纪之光”中国画提名展;1992年作《牡丹花》、1998年作《早春幽谷》藏上海中国画院;中国美术馆藏《丽人行》被选入百年中国画展。曾赴日本、美国、新加坡、澳大利亚和香港访问、讲学并举行画展。1986年被列入英国剑桥大学所编《世界名人录》。1991年在上海美术馆举办‘程十发画展’,盛况空前。1996年将自家收藏的元明清名家古画122幅捐献给国家,获得好评。还被授评为‘上海市文学艺术杰出贡献奖’。子,程多多,擅人物。 ^_^ Cheng Shifa (1921-2007) Born in Songjiang, Shanghai, Cheng Shifa graduated from the Shanghai School of Fine Arts in 1941. In 1950, he started working on comic works. He joined Huadong People's Fine Art Publishing House as a resident artist in 1953 and concentrated in comics and poster drawings. In 1956, Cheng was appointed to Shanghai taking part in the founding of Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy. He received first prize at the "First National Young Artist Exhibition" in 1957. In 1980, he held his first overseas exhibition in Tokyo and Osaka, organized by Rongbaozhai and held . He further participated in the "Modern Chinese Painting Exhibition" by the Department of Culture in San Francisco in 1982. Two years later, he was appointed as the Director of the Shanghai Painting Academy. He received the "Distinguished Worker Award" from the Chinese Government's Culture Department in 1991, and the Shanghai City Outstanding Contribution Award in 1993. He donated 122 pieces personal collection of classical paintings dated from Sung to Qing dynasty to China in 1996. Two years later, he was invited to participate in the major Canadian exhibition, "Modern Chinese Paintings". In 1999, he held a large sole exhibition in Shanghai. In 2004, the Songjiang District Government built a monumental Cheng Shifa Art Museum. He is now a council member of the Chinese Artists' Association, and Dean of the Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy.
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